(these arent particularly easter seeming pictures, but I liked them )
We took today to relax. Woke up late, had an easy breakfast, and opened our easter baskets. Jack and I read his new easter book ( If there is a holiday edition baby book - I can't help but get it..it's an addiction!) and lounged on the couch watching Nick Jr. Jon played with his gifts, and on several occasions talked me into letting him eat " just a little bit" of his candy. There was lunch, and napping - for the littlest one anyway. Just before dinner time we did our egg hunting. You have to wait that long, it's so incredibly hot here any earlier than that. It was 91 degrees the last day of march. Anyway.. You know the rest, Dinner, Walk, Baths and bed. That was our sunday.
Happy Easter! I like those pictures. Jon looks handsom with his polo shirt, and Jack looks dashing as ever. I'm glad you had a nice quiet Easter. Tell Jon i'm super jealous of his giant Reese's egg :D
Wish I was there... I would have found all the eggs myself, and stole the reese egg too!!
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