
Jon is free spirited, an independent thinker, and a bit of an old soul.
He's got a wildly vivid imagination, and a glorious sense of humor.
A creature of habit, and a cuddler.

He's a passionate swimmer. a natural
most at home in the water.

He's bright, adventurous, incredibly headstrong and curious about everything.
He loves legos and star wars. Has notebooks full of drawings.
The boy could live on blueberry muffins if we let him.
and always has a crush on someone.

(Answered By Jon)

Favorite smell?  - Coconut.
Favorite food? - chicken. Muffins. pancakes.
Favorite color? - Green.
Favorite game? - Chess and monopoly.
Favorite holiday? - Halloween.
Favorite book? -  Books on tape. (he's a fantastic reader, just doesnt like doing it)
Favorite things to do with family? - Sunday afternoon movie day. Play at the park , build things.
What will you be when you grow up? - An adventurer!