May 23, 2010

Calm before the storm

Weather around here has been pretty crazy. About a week ago we got some really bad storms, and flooding. Our town was put on flash flood warning due to the rain, but before they could put out a decent tornado watch we got two. Multiple sightings of the tornados touching down all over town - one supposedly sighted touching down on my street. Luckily we were all fine, because you can't really make a safe plan when you don't know you need one. It rained for three solid days the week the tornados hit, and now we're having another big storm. The rain comes down in sheets,thunder rumbling through the house, and lightening so electric it lights up the entire sky. It's due to rain for another four days this week, with scattered thunder storms. I love a good thunder/lightening storm, and I really don't mind the rain.. but there comes a point where enough is enough ya know? It's hurricane season here so we'll see how it goes.


Nicole said...

I miss it so much!

Karl said...

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May showers bring? Hopefully something more fun than they have so far.