May 21st was a glorious day in 1985. That's when you entered the world.
May 21st was a glorious day in 2006. That's when you entered my world.
Happy Birthday Karl.
Happy 4 year Anniversary of the day our worlds came together.
You've been lighting up mine ever since.
In honor of being 25 this year - Here are a few completely random facts about you, and your life - and the person you've become in those 25 years.
1. You love really terrible B rated movies. Movies most people have never heard of, movies that I never really want to watch but I do, because it makes you happy, and because you never complain when I want to watch chick-flicks, or watch every season of my sex in the city collection.
2. You own a lot of shoes. All but two pair are converse. - Hey. You know what you like.
3. You are Buddhist. One of the most passionate ones I've met. You are constantly bettering your understanding of buddhism. You live it, and you breathe it, and you believe in the power of meditation.
4. You were born to be an artist. I love to watch you piece a drawing or project together, to see you create something from nothing, creativity pours from your soul - and I'm really excited for the day you graduate art school, and get to live your dream.
5. You have a 1968 mustang, You didn't even know how to drive the car when you bought it, and it needed more done to fix it, than there were working parts but you haven't given up that dream either. I hope the journey of restoring it becomes a reality.
6. You like to cook. You will try anything atleast once, add the craziest ingredients into your food, and we're creating a cookbook together.
7. You're a hands on father. You've spent countless hours engaged in heated bakugan brawls. Drawing superhero pictures, learning that depending on the sandwich content..it has to be cut a certain way. Putting more babyfood on the baby's face, than in his mouth. hours sitting on the couch with the baby because he wouldn't sleep otherwise. You know a peanut butter sandwich and a story with voices always makes for a better day.
8. You're a dedicated husband. You've painted toes, given foot rubs without being asked, you've let me sleep in almost every weekend day since Jack was born. You leave notes around the house for me to find while youre gone. you ask my opinion on things, and really want to hear it.
9. You live. You laugh out loud when it's quiet. you'll dance in public. you jump in pools fully clothed (sometimes in winter) you get frustrated, you cry, you mess up, and you fix it, you apologize when youre wrong, and you smile when you're right, you love with your whole heart.
"I whole heart you"
This is amazing. I love you so much. Thank you for making my birthday fun, even though I'm away from every one I love.
I miss you all so much... I love you Kim.
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