I Always:
Take the day as it comes.
Try to truly listen to my children.
Find new reasons to love my husband.
Appreciate a well blended Vanilla frapp.
Have a few books going at a time.
Wish it were the weekend.
Want to be more patient.
I Sometimes:
Wonder if M's eczema will go away, or become almost unnoticable.
Wish I had more opportunities to have date nights with K.
Am annoyed with my own fear of driving/riding in cars.
Long for a shower longer than 5 minutes.
Think I have too many dreams to ever fulfill in this lifetime.
I Never:
Can decide what I want to do with my life. I want to do so many things.
Want to feel like I'm living the exact same day repeatedly.
Go to bed without checking all windows and doors. a few times. - yes I worry.
Loved as deeply, Laughed as hard, or cried as often until I was a mother.
Doubt that K is who I was meant to be with. for better or for worse
You sweet girl, I love ya!
I know what you mean about being a parent. It's an entirly new world of emotions. I hope together we can make your dreams for this life come true. I want to see them fulfilled.
I love you doll
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