February 23, 2010

Green Thumb, I am not.

J's first shool project is growing this little beauty. A cabbage plant. Which he brought home in a tiny little paper cup. His instructions are as follows;

1. Take home, and replant in your garden.
2. Water everyday.
3. Place in direct sunlight one hour a day.

The kids have a specific amount of time in which they "nurture" these plants, and then there will be a contest to see who has the strongest, largest plant. Whoever that is wins $1000.00. J is pretty excited about that thousand dollars, that does after all buy a lot of lego sets. I do wish he could win. Though I wouldn't want the amount of legos that would buy strewn across my house, hiding cleverly only to jump out the moment the lights go out, and I'm walking a sleeping baby to his bed! Forcing me to writhe in pain as quietly and montionless as possible. .Anyway I only have two problems that stand in the way.

1. We live in an apartment! Our "yard" is shared with 20 other building tenants. There is nowhere to plant this lil guy, not where he wouldnt face the impending doom of being trampled , or mowed over. Our complex manager probably wouldn't like it much either.

...and.. .

2. I do not have a green thumb, as much as I want one. We once bought some starter flowers, that you could easily grow in doors in a small planter. They never had a chance to bloom before they died. A set of windowbox herbs found the same fate.

So there it is. I'm not sure if it's even possible to grow a cabbage plant indoors even if I replanted it in a bigger planter. Or if it would even stay alive if we could. Good thing I'm much better at helping children grow than plants. Now off to google, to see the requirements of cabbage plant growing. wish me luck!


K said...

Good luck! I wish that fine looking cabbage well on its journey through life! Maybe Cash can walk the cabbage every day :)

Nicole said...

Hey... so how is the plant doing these days?