February 21, 2010

Hello Sunday.

The weather was absolutely perfect today. Warm and sunny with a light breeze to keep you cool.
So We spent most of the day outside, and decided to walk down to the park. It was his first time going but M fell asleep on the way there.

J found some of his school friend to play with.
They were being boys. Running and jumpin from the slide. Playing tag, you know all the fun kid stuff, but I didn't get any of that on film because M started to wake up.
Apparently the Jensen boys love the swings.

when it started to get too windy for little ears, we headed home. On the way J found a pretty big hill

And rolled down.

1 comment:

K said...

Outside days are the best days. It sounds like the boys had fun at the park, I'm glad the weather is getting nice enough to go out again after that horrid snow a few weeks ago.

I love you all!