June 29, 2011

The bloggin' atmosphere.

Okay. I've been thinking about this recently so I'm just going to say it, and prepare myself to be crucified because I am sure someone somewhere is going to be offended by this.

When did blogging become so highschool? Honestly. I've followed a couple blogs here and there for awhile now - and I have definately noticed that the more "popular" well known blogs out there are so clique like, with the exception of a very few. What I mean is the writers of these blogs (some of which really aren't even that interesting to read and offer little visual appeal) don't branch out at all unless your blog happens to be just as popular as theirs.

I see the same handful of women promoting the same handful of women over and over. Sure some of these women are great, and have really great blogs, but seriously? Everytime I see a "sponsor" post I KNOW it's going to be the same people/blogs I've seen talked about on countless other blogs. No variety, because there are a lot of little blogs out there that are unknown and are really great reads , but I've yet to see ANYONE take a chance on these blogs by advertising them on their page. What is the damn point of doing sponsor posts about blogs if you're only going to do it for your "blog friends" who really don't need much help getting their blogs out there?

I've yet to see a blog advertised on someones page/highlighted in a sponsor post that didn't already have 13876375 followers/hits a day. The funny thing is a lot of these blogs I'm thinking of (interesting or not) have the followers they do because they literally begged/pleaded in every post for someone to "vote for me" - I actually know of one blog in particular, that had hardly any readers (under 5) and then as if overnight the lady started making posts dedicated solely to asking people to vote for her on topbabyblogs, then she started doing give aways. I mean the craziest things! weird odds & ends from walmarts clearance section, the catch to ALL these give aways?? "you must be a follower" "or you can follow me here, here, and here..or blog about my giveaway on your own blog" lol so c'mon people - the few blogs who do that are they popular? sure they have hundreds of followers, but honestly how many of those readers give a damn what they're saying? and how many just wanted to win something? to just want followers so bad, that you cannot waste your time being associated with a blog who doesn't get a lot of hits or doesn't have a hundred people to advertise your blog to is ridiculous.

I've had my blog for two years, and until a couple weeks ago my blog wasn't listed ANYWHERE. I think it's safe to say I've blogged for myself, but sure it would be nice to know other people are reading or even like my blog -getting your blog "out there" is hard unless you're willing to become obsessive about people voting for your blog. whatever, I'm done with this rant. have a good day?

(disclaimer: just to be clear, I never said this is how every blogger has run their blog, or gotten their followers. This is simply what I have witnessed on quite a few known blogs,and I'm sure others have noticed this, or feel the same but saying anything could be blog suicide. haha. But I'm okay taking that chance because I have absolutely nothing to lose right now anyway - what am I going to lose? followers? not likely considering the content of this post, but anyway - if you feel at all offended by this, then it's likely that youre guilty of what I've pointed out)


Olivia Grace said...

Preach it sista! I love your honesty and have definitely noticed this high school phenomenon you are referring to. And with that being said, I'm so happy to have stumbled upon your blog, it's nice to read posts with substance and genuine feelings!

Sonja said...

(Just found your blog linked from... oh geez, it was five minutes ago and I can't even remember. Anyhow, very much enjoying your archives.)

As a writer of one of the "little blogs," I've thought exactly this. There are some "bigger" blogs I really enjoy and then... there are some that just seem to follow the "formula" of "Instagram photos and giveaways!" It's kind of disappointing.

As much as I'd (obviously) like more people to read my blog, I'm not up for doing things like registering for Top Baby Blogs or doing giveaways to try and pimp myself. I'm very slowly dipping my toe in the waters of "sponsoring" other blogs, but I'm finding that not only is it really hard for me to find mamas that I feel any kind of genuine connection with where I feel comfortable "sponsoring" them (I totally don't want to sponsor anyone just to try to drive traffic to my own blog, doesn't feel right to me) but that the few that I have... don't actually drive traffic to my blog. At all. It seems you have to BE popular to GET popular.

Not at all sure how to navigate this, so I'm totally feeling your frustration.