June 04, 2010

Family fridays

I have a few die hard parenting rules, but none are as welcomed and accepted as the family friday movie night rule. As a general rule Jon is not allowed to have friends over, or do outside activities after school on fridays. Sometimes he’s not very fond of this rule, because like most kids when he’s done with school on fridays he wants to go go go. I prefer to have him in, because it’s easier on him and me. Yes it is the weekend, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been a busy day. We’ve gotten up early, we’ve (depending on the person) spent time running errands, running around at school, cleaning up, etc. So on fridays we relax, and let the busy week wear off. He has plenty of time to play and run wild on saturday and sunday. So THAT is why the intial “stay in on fridays” rule came about.

Once we had the baby there was an even better reason to have a family night. I would feel like a lot of time the baby was consuming a lot of my time, and Jon didn’t get a ton of undivided attention. Enter family friday movie night. We were already staying indoors anyway, and this was a perfect way to soften that blow. Plus I feel like I get a chance to catch up with Jon and have one on one time. We order out food (most of the time) and if not Jon gets to pick what dinner i’ll cook. We relax and we eat, and we play. When Jack goes down for the night the snacks are brought out, and the movies go in. Thankgod for netflix too - I set it up so we always get one Jon wants, and one We want and there is no meltdowns in a movie rental place required.

This is pretty much how every friday night ends. Jon on the couch (watching the movie) where he eventually falls asleep, and wants to stay. so I let him

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