May 28, 2010

Ok Baby .. You win.

Looks sleepy doesn't he? There would be a perfectly good reason why..This guy, who has been so good with his naps decided to mix it up today. I put him in his bed at 11am sharp - that's his typical lay down time everyday, and he sleeps until 1-1:30pm. Not today! I put him in his room, cracked the door and went about my usual "Baby's napping, so I have free time" activities. 45 mins later I could hear him in there babbling, and laughing to himself, and when I looked in he was just sitting in his bed having the best time ever. This doesn't happen a lot, but it has happened and usually if I just let him be, he'll get bored and fall asleep. I kept waiting and waiting for the sounds in his room to quiet and to peek in to find him sleeping.. but the sleep never came. See..this guy is a mess if he doesn't get a nap, so I held out hope, but when it became 1:30 it was terribly obvious this kid was having no nap today.
That is until the moment I put him in the jogger to go get his brother from school. I'm sure that was a great 20 minute nap, in an upright position, in the heat, with the constant buzz of traffic. silly kid.


Karl said...

You know he likes to keep us on our toes! He's so busy he can only sleep when hes doing something any way. Like absorbing sunrays and traffic noises. Those things are allowed to be done while sleeping.

Nicole said...

He is starting to look a lot like Karl....