April 13, 2010

Spring isn't the only change here.

This is Jack.
Jack is not a baby. Atleast that's what he thinks anyway.
To be honest with you, it's kind of how I feel too.

He's definately displaying very obvious toddler behavior.
His new favorite word is "NO" - He uses it all the time, even when he actually means yes. Fortunately it still comes out as sweet, as if he had said yes. Hopefully we're past this No stage before he masters the art of defiance, or atleast sounding defiant anyway.

In preparation of his impending physical and mental growth, We're making a few changes around here. The first change is his bed. I'm ordering him a toddler bed to replace his very unused crib. I'm hoping that we can transition somewhat easily. Right now he sleeps in a pack n play, by choice. We co-slept for a long time because he would never sleep for more than a 2 hour period in the crib. I didn't mind co-sleeping with him, I actually liked it. ( I co-slept with Jon too )

I don't however like the process of getting him to sleep alone after sleeping with us for too long. (Jon still tried sleeping in my bed when he was 5.) So i started laying him in his PNP for naps, and he would put himself to sleep effortlessly. I was still having to hold/rock him at night, sometimes for an hour or more and I can't tell you how many times I very carefully carried him to his bed, and put him down, and still woke him up, only to repeat the process! So I started laying him down in his PNP at night while I got everything else done. (cuddling big brother for bed etc) and he just started going to bed by himself in it.

Other changes taking place here:

1. We're still working on bottle weaning. I dont expect he will totally give up his bedtime/naptime bottles right away, but I am wanting him to take only cups during the day. We started giving him sippy cups at about 8 months. We wanted him to become familiar with them a.s.a.p, so this weaning process wasn't so hard on us, or him. We weren't as consistant with that as We could've/should've been, so while he will willingly take cups, and drinks from them pretty well..he still is all about that bottle!

2. He's old enough now for me to start thinking about potty training. Now, I'm not crazy! I know he isn't going to start independently using the potty next month, or even for a few months after that. Its a good time to get him familiar with it though. Buying a potty chair, and sitting it in the bathroom, and letting him explore it, and sit on it while others are in the bathroom will get him aquainted with the general concept, thus....hopefully making potty training easier.

3. Karl's birthday is coming up in May, around this time is when I usually start hounding asking him to give me ideas on what he'd like ( Karl: I know you're reading, so there you go! )

4. Jon has a birthday coming up too, in June. He'll be entering the double digits! I have yet to wrap my mind around the fact that I've been a parent for a decade. I've got to start putting away presents soon.

Speaking of change..It's full blown spring here. The walk to take Jon to the school in the morning is much nicer with everything blooming. Flowering Dogwood trees, and wisteria everywhere you look.

And so..there you have it. Changes. are you making any?


Karl said...

I've been working on myself to not be angry, despite frustrating situations. I'm realizing there's a lot of ways to do things and it doesn't have to be what I'm used to.

I'm trying to get back into meditating. Every time I've found a spot in my day to do it in the past few months my days drastically changed. I haven't even been trying in the past few weeks and I can feel the effect on my mind.

I love you. That one fact will never change.

Karl said...

oh ya, ill get on my birthday list... eventually :P

Nicole said...

I started going to the gym... I used to hate it but now I feel lazy if I dont go. I also always work on my patience, I didnt inherit that gene from either parent so....

What does Jon want for his birthday?

PS that picture made me giggle!