April 18, 2010

bringing up boys.

There is definately something to be said About bringing up little boys. The adventures, The Noise, The Dangers. Its Not a glamorous job, but it's so worth it.I love being the Mother of Two Boys. Growing up All I ever wanted to be was a mom, and all I wanted were boys. ALL BOYS. Every babydoll I ever owned was a boy, even if I had to cut their hair, and put them in boy clothing. I also named every single one of them "Chris" - guess it kept it easy to keep track of them.
Some things I love about having sons?
I love that they're mamas boys
I love a little boy in jeans and converse - nothing's cuter.
I love how every pair of jeans they own develop huge knee holes from playing hard
I love how they can find the smallest muddy puddle to jump in - anywhere
I love when they go through stages, where they ARE superheroes
I love the way they always manage to get dirty, even though you just bathed them, and put them straight to bed
I love a growing collection of toy cars, Legos and dinosaurs
I love how they somehow smell like, soap, wet dirt, and cookies ALL THE TIME.
I love how simplistic boys really are.
I love toy story bandaids
I love tents made out of nothing but old sheets.
I love little toy boats in the bathtub.
I love how a half eaten cookie, small rocks, sand/dirt, and sticks are the perfect thing to put in your pocket when you're a boy.
I love having two boys.


Nicole said...

YAY no more cast!!

Yes, every doll was named Chris. I even think that you said if you were a boy, your name would be Chris.

I love having a boy too, i want only boys, a few dozen.

I love finding rocks and wrappers in the washer after I have washed B's clothes, oh and melted chap stick in the dryer.

I love how he thinks he knows everything, even after the millionth time I proved Im always right.

I love the way he laughs when he finds something funny... even if I think its stupid, his giggle gets me every time.

Karl said...

Boys definitely keep you young, or on your toes any way. I love seeing how Jack and Jon wrestle. I love how Jack gets into everything he can reach (or climb up to reach) and how Jon always loves to use me as a playground, no matter where we are. Like the time I ran full speed all around Food Lion with him on my shoulders.