April 23, 2010

Bringing Up boys ( Part 2 )

I'm old fashioned when it comes to raising my boys. Even before I was a mom, and thought of having sons I had a clear picture in my head of how I wanted their childhood to go I always invisioned my sons outside, playing til the street lights came on. Exploring woods, and parks building treehouses and forts made of sheets,Camping under the stars, and swim practice. I want them to be able to entertain themselves without needing t.v. or video games. I want to see their imaginations flourish and I want them to be well rounded,self sufficient young boys.I just recently bought this book online

It is everything I believe in - in book form.It's got everything a boy needs to, or would ever want to know. How to tie various types of knots. How to make a compass. What to do if you're lost in the woods. Adventure books to read. How to treat girls, and deal with "school problems" I am beyond excited to get this in the mail, I cannot wait to read this with Jon now, and Jack later.


Nicole said...

and fake seances that scare the shit out of them...

Kim said...

lol. no! that's just what WE did to neighborhood kids.

Karl said...

That sounds like a perfect book to read to them. Dangerous books are the best kind, because you never know what will happen. Sounds like we'll have to go camping and hiking a few times to put this book to use. I like it!

Karl said...

I know you two, you're the girls my mom warned me not to play with :P But really, we would have had epic times together had we lived on the same block. In my autobiography we will live across the street from each other. Despite the many conflicting points this would create.