March 17, 2010

13 Months.

YOU: Play "patty cake" and especially like doing the rolling part. Wave and say "bye" when someone leaves. Notice, and point to everything now. Say yes (instead of just the nodding). Dance. You dance to even the smallest hint of music. Recognize, and point to your ears when asked "where are your ears?" Are attempting, and are sometimes successful in pointing to your eyes,nose, and mouth too. Your absolute favorite food is broccoli followed closely by bananas. Got 4 new teeth. making that a grand total of 12. Sign milk now. You sign 7 words total. Put yourself down for naps now! I put you in your PNP and you go to sleep effortlessly. Jack please slow down


K said...

He's so big! I feel like I've missed so much and I've only been gone two and a half months! I deffently love reading your blog and seeing your pictures of him. We make such adoreable babies :D

Nicole said...

you should make some more as soon as you get back!!