February 18, 2010

Guess Who's ....

M's birthday celebration was very low key. There was only family present. We were not sure of plans to visit K for his birthday, so it was difficult to plan. He had fun still

He couldnt contain his excitement over all of the balloons J (big Brother) and I filled the house with. Of course he was present during the 'decorating' - and popped every other balloon we blew up for him, good thing we had a big bag to replace the popped ones.
below is how he popped those balloons

We let him play with th balloons until he grew bored with them. The good thing about a family party is nothing has to be rushed or regimented. There isnt a 2 hour time frame to squeeze cake, presents, games, and free play into. We also Did presents before cake.


Nicole said...

I wish I were there!!

K said...

Me too!! The rest of Jacks fan club was there in heart. I'm glad he had a good first birthday. I know I've said this but I can't get enough of your pictures.