One year ago Today You graced our lives.
It's been an adventure to say the least but lets start at the beginning.
Daddy and I found out we were expecting you on June 11th 2008. We had taken an at home test, but that's the day the doctor definately confirmed it for us. - we were six weeks.
You were due February 5th 2009
It's funny how one day you're going about life the same way as usual, then the next you find yourself completely consumed with love for this little person you're growing inside you. Who you didn't even know existed 24 hours ago, and yet now you couldn't possibly live without this little baby.
Pregnancy week 6 - 28 were a breeze.
I'd done this before.
I could handle morning sickness. I could handle giving up some of the foods I loved because you decided you didnt feel the same. I could even handle that this pregnancy gave me the craziest curly hair ever, or that by 28 weeks we had only ever been told once that they "thought" you were a boy.
Weeks 29 -40 are a different story.
I had reached that stage where I couldn't sit, stand, lay or walk without discomfort. I dont even remember sleeping after week 36 , And when I did finally sleep it had to be with the air conditioner on - full blast. This did not make your dad happy, apparently not everyone can sleep when the house is a staggering 45 degrees.
What kept me sane was knowing that after reaching 38 weeks you could arrive anytime.
I was so eager to meet you that I did everything to prepare for you early on,
so now I could only sit and wait.
..And wait I did...
February 5th arrived, and passed. - No baby.
Infact You didn't come the next day, or the next, or the...well you get the idea!
On February 16th I made a trip to the doctor who finally made plans to induce me the following morning at 7am. I was ecstatic. Tomorrow we would finally have a baby.
Well You were not one to stick to plans. That night as I prepared dinner for your big brother, and dad I started having mild contractions. Nothing super consistant or unbearable.
We got your brother to sleep, and Dad and I sat down to dinner alone a little later than planned. However by this time my contractions had gotten closer together, and pretty painful but they still werent consistantly timed.
I didn't want to go in only to be sent home. I walked through the contractions. Pacing back and forth.. up and down the hallway until they were painful enough that they'd stop me in my tracks. I got into a warm shower - That eased the pain a bit
but they were coming much more quickly now. I got out, and we headed to the hospital.
It was 12am. Your big brother was with us, since we hadn't planned for a midnight trip to L&D. I was checked. 5 cm dialated and admitted to a room, dad waited for friends to pick up your brother and joined us shortly after. There was a problem with some of my bloodwork so They had to draw blood, take it to the lab and get it back BEFORE i could get an epidural.
At 5:20AM I finally got the epidural.
Ah. sweet sweet relief. Your dad and I managed to get a little sleep.
Around 8:30AM I was finally ready to push.
The doctor came in, suited up, and prepared for your birth. I remember him trying to make light of the situation with small talk. He asked your dad and I How big we thought you'd be.
I also remember jokingly saying
"I dunno, as long as he's not 9lbs !"
At 9:46 am On February 17th 2009 You entered this world.
At 8lbs 15oz!
good thing you listened to my request.
You share a birthday with Your aunt Nicole ( Mom's Sister ) And uncle Neil ( Dad's brother)
You were able to sit with us a few minutes until they took you to the nursery to run some tests.
You had swallowed a little meconium beause you had been in there an extra two weeks. You were also testing hypoglycemic. Which required various random tests and your first I.V. at a day old. You were given meds through I.V. for 2 days. And we were released with a clean bill of health on the 19th and like I said It's been an adventure since.
1 comment:
I love the way you tell that story <3 That's an extremely special day, it always will be.
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