February 02, 2010

351 Days

Fourteen Days
Til the big One.
Yup. You heard it here first, in a matter of 14 days M will celebrate his first birthday. Time flies let me tell you, seems only yesterday he was my little baby (maybe not so small. 8lbs 15oz people! ).
I know I'm supposed to have these big elaborate plans for his big day, but I actually don't. Infact I have no clue how the day is going to go or where it will be spent for that matter. I always had envisioned a cute little themed party for him when the day came, but the reality of it is K, ( Husband, and M's daddy) is gone right now preparing to deploy. There's a big chance he'll miss out on celebrating with us
There are plans up in the air of perhaps taking a trip to where K will be ( with both kids! ) so that he doesn't miss it. Nothing is set in stone, because we don't really know what he'll be doing or where he'll be come Feburary 17th. The idea would be to be with him, and have a small celebration for M after Me and the kids come home.
I don't know when we'll have set plans, which kills me because I am a planner, a list maker, and like to be organized. My worry is that we won't find out until a day or two before the BIG DAY, that K won't be in a place where we an visit him. and then I am stuck rushing to plan, put together, and announce a last minute party for M. I'm hoping for the best.
( Ignore the drool spot in the picture. I swear the Kid's been teething since birth.)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

He so damn cute!