Today I post this in light of the impending New Year. A lot of people make New Years resolutions, and either forget to, or never even start putting those into action. This seems like a better Idea, and you can choose which to do rather than focusing everything on one goal. Plus, I like choices.
You post 101 things to do within 1001 days
here are mine.
1. Get to know who I am.
2. Find time for myself everyday even 10 minutes.
3. Lose remaining pregnancy weight.
4. Buy a Canon Rebel
5. Try 5 new restaurants. (0/5)
6. Learn how to make handmade jewelry.
7. Start selling jewelry on etsy.
8. Keep up with this blog.
9. Visit my sister in Utah.
10. Take a photography class.
11. Write a childrens book that my husband will illustrate.
12. Create a space just for me in our house.
13. Eat vegan for 2 weeks to see how It makes me feel.
14. Become better at maintaining friendships.
15. Get a new cell phone - finally.
16. Learn to make bread from scratch.
17. Have a daughter.
For my Mind:
18. Read 3 substantial books (0/3)
19. Learn 100 Facts about anything. (20/100)
For my Soul:
20. Find simple ways to go green.
21. Use words of kindness when least expected.
For my health:
22. Drink more water.
23. Take daily vitamins.
24. Eat organically more often.
25. Get more sleep
26. Get back into yoga.
27. Find a really good organic facial product.
28. Start swimming again in the mornings.
29. Make the switch to soy milk.
30. Stay on top of doctor visits and dental appointments.
For others:
31. Send out thank you cards on time.
32. Perform 100 acts of kindness for strangers (0/100)
33. Donate canned goods and toys for tots during holidays.
34. Volunteer at animal shelter.
35. Give out 10 christmas cards containing $20 to strangers. (0/10)
36. Shop locally and buy fairtrade products.
37. Give 100 compliments to 100 strangers. (0/100)
38. Donate the boys outgrown clothes to goodwill.
39. Leave 50 nice comments on 50 different blogs. (1/50)
40. Donate atleast $100 to Project 320. ($0/$100)
41. Send "real" mail/letters not just emails
For K and my marriage:
42. Practice better listening.
43. Give him nights off from helping with the kids.
44. Spend atleast one hour together without the kids everyday.
45. Once a month do something he wants to do
46. Let him pick the friday night movie more often.
47. Write a letter to him everyday he's gone to Iraq. (0/365)
48. Renew our wedding vows.
49. Remind him to take his vitamins, and stay healthy.
50. Say atleast one thing I'm thankful for regarding him everyday.
For My children:
51. Be more patient.
52. Set aside individual quality alone time for each of the boys.
53. Remember to read more to them at bedtime.
54. Sign J up for swim team.
55. Be present for all swim meets and challenges.
56. Have lunch with J at scool atleast once monthly.
57. Play with them more times than not when outside.
58. Learn alternative cooking methods for M, because he's allergic to dairy.
59. Make a hot breakfast every morning.
60. Help J write/illustrate a story and or act it out.
61. Look into summer camps for J.
62. Get J braces.
63. Put M into toddler swim classes this summer.
64. Get 20 New books for M. (9/20)
65. Get 20 new books for J. (3/20)
For our Home:
66. Buy a king size bed.
67. Redecorate bedroom.
68. Buy new dishes.
69. Use cleaning products that are more earth friendly.
70. Buy more art work for K's art room.
71. Buy a coffee maker with a timer, so K doesnt have to worry about it.
72. Make a "Family pictures" Wall.
73. Get rid of things we're not using anymore. get storage.
70. Buy/Plant more Live Plants.
74. Open the windows more on sunny days.
For our Family as a whole:
75. Go on a real hike.
76. Go camping.
77. Visit the mountains.
78. Go to the aquarium more.
79. Maintain sunday afternoon movie time with the kids.
80. Go to an apple orchard and pick apples.
81. Finish two big chapter books together. (0/2)
82. Continue to keep a yearly scrapbook for each person.
83. Have a family picnic atleast twice a month when it's warm. (0/)
84. Stay at great wolf lodge.
85. Buy a house with a huge yard and lots of trees.
86. Create something together.
87. Buy a new car. something sporty.
88. Find a way to contribute financially to the family and be a SAHM.
89. Go to the dogwood festival.
90. Go to the Grandparent's Farm for christmas.
91. Visit the in-laws in Florida.
92. Make healthier meals.
93. Shop the farmers market
94. Visit relatives in Australia or have them visit us.
For the enviornment:
95. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. - MORE.
96. Buy used books, to save virgin trees.
97. Grow windowbox herbs
98. Donate 10 Cans for every Thing unfinished on the list in 1001 days.
99. Donate an extra 2 cans per comment to this post in 1001 days.
100. Spend 10 Minutes a day on freerice.com for two weeks.
101. Become a better person in 1001 days.
So here are the first 2 comments:
1. Okay, once you get this jewelery thing going... I like free samples> I thought I should let you know
2. Im excited that you want to come and visit me, there are a lot of mountains here AND you can REALLY hike!!
It's a great list, Kim. I like what you're becoming and what you see for your family.
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