December 18, 2009

10 Months Old.

23LBS. 2oz. 30Inches.
You're now a cruiser.
You manuever your way around coffee tables, couches, and anything else you can hold onto. You've started trying to say Bye Bye with words and gestures.
You say, understand, and listen to "No!"
You stand alone completely for long periods of time while doing other things, Such as holding toys and clapping. You're over the moon excited when dad comes home from work now, and make very loud noises til he comes over to greet you.
You're also feeding yourself. -
  • Mandarin orange slices.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Red onion slices.
  • Apple dices.
  • spaghetti.
  • Apple cinnamon pancakes.
  • Broccoli.
  • and carrot mango juice.
And as an added note - you really like the song " I'm Yours " - Jason Mraz. whenever it comes on you become completely captivated.

1 comment:

Aunt Nicole said...

I seriously think that Jack might be my son from another mother!!!