August 28, 2011

I'm Back!

Ok. Now that I've neglected this blog for a month, I'm back.

Seriously though I didn't stop posting just for fun. I have been so incredibly sick, this pregnancy really did knock me down, I had the worst nausea ALL.DAY.LONG. accompanied by migraines. Laying in a dark silent room crying my eyes out migraines. Neither of my previous pregnancies have been like this (maybe this time we're having a girl?) Anyway I spent the last 4-5 weeks literally sleeping my days away to avoid the nausea & migraines - which were set off by even the smallest things. It got to the point that I had been in my bed so much, I was starting to forget what the rest of my house looked like. The good news is I am feeling better (knock on wood!) So I can get back to posting.


Heidi said...

Kim, you poor thing! Pregnancy can really do you in, huh? I am glad you are feeling better! And thank you so much for your comments on my blog today; Ava's new dermatologist diagnosed a staph infection, which we feel awful for not recognizing. I'm so sorry your son went through such a traumatic time due to eczema and then the MRSA infection. Our doc had a pharmacy mix up a compound which is essentially half cetaphil cream and half steroid stuff and she's on an antibiotic for the staph infection. Her skin is clearing up already, thank God.

So thank you once again for caring enough to leave some input, I truly appreciate it. Take care of yourself!

4little1s said...

Wishing you all the best, I too was sooooo sick. Thinking of you....

kriznizzel said...

You poor thing! Glad you have been feeling a little better I'm still taking medication for my pregnancy and I'm 26 weeks. All day sickness is the worst!