These days you're usually found running up and down the hall ways, and breaking through any baricades we've put up to keep you out of something. You hardly ever have on matching socks, I don't know what happens to all the matches, I'm starting to suspect you hide them because you hate wearing socks to begin with.

You're such a smart, and fun little guy. You love to laugh, and make others laugh. especially your big brother, you follow him around the house all the time - he doesn't mind usually. Unless he's trying to sneak off to play legos, since they've been banned from any room you spend a lot of time in. I think this makes you quite sad, because you would really like to get a hold of those legos, or any of his toys really.
You can identify your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and belly button..and on a good day your hair/head. When we say "UP" you put your arms in the air. When we say "down" you lower them. You're first word was "more" but you've since stopped saying it. It's almost as if you get so bored with things that once you do them for a bit, you never want to do them again. You still sign - some words, but not all the ones you used to. You've said the words bellybutton. Backpack and bye bye. some clearer than others, but they were definate words. You also will do all the motions to pattycake, as long as someone else is willing to recite the rhyme. Your "roll it up roll it up" is really cute. I'll miss it one day.

You are the outdoors type. You even try to run out the front door any time I open it. thankfully I am faster than you still...I know that won't last. You love the park or any grassy area you can run in and you cry hysterically whenever I bring you inside and immediately start asking "bye bye?" You're also tall enough to reach all the doorknobs, you just can't turn them. I am thankful for this for the same reason I'm glad I'm faster than you.

You explore everything. You have to look at, touch, smell, taste everything that catches your eye and I do mean everything baby. Grass is not an exception, neither is the dog, or my toes. You can unlock, open and pull down the dishwasher door. You then of course attempt to climb right on top of it, and I have to sneak to do laundry or you're right there..trying to climb in, banging on it, pulling clothes out, putting things in but I love how inquisitive you are .

You are definately a little daredevil. nothing seems to be off limits. I catch you standing on your rocketship - Evel Knievel style at least 10 times a day. I admire that you're fearless baby, but I wish you would stop. You play so hard, that I am constantly finding little bruises on your body from all the running climbing and jumping you're doing. Also to retouch on this whole mis matched sock issue? If they're not mismatched, then the chances are it's because you only have one on. You only ever take off one .

You love whole apples. You won't stand for sliced up ones anymore - you're no baby! Whenever I grab an apple from the bowl you stand and whimper at my feet until I give it to you. Of course you whimper the whole time I peel it too.
Baby.. I could really just eat you up. Thank you for keeping me company while your brother is at school, and for all those times you've thrown your entire snack plate to the floor - I know you only do this to keep me busy so I don't get bored, and thank you for FINALLY getting the hang of putting yourself to sleep for bed and naptimes. I was scared this would fade away but it's going strong. (Knocking on wood) and it's given me so much more time to do things while you're napping - so that I have more time to kiss on you when you get up.
Im so jealous.... He is truly a piece of heaven right there. I love your pictures and I know how he feels about socks. Im 28 and there are times you can catch me walking around the house with only one on... I dunno why. Keep on truckin' Jack, I love you!!
He's such the little dare devil. I love hearing about all the new things he's doing, and seeing the pictures you take bring a lot more to the descriptions. I never get tired of seeing your pictures. I love the one of him standing on the rocket and the one of him reaching for the object on the table :D
I miss you all
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