May 14, 2010


Jon's birthday is sneaking up on us fast.
Its time :

To Start making birthday lists. ( though in reality he starts these the day after his birthday)
To discuss birthday decorations and details. - cake, colors, who you want to invite.
To write out, and mail the invitations. - (and hope this year people WILL r.s.v.p like you ask.)
To start asking desperately if you can have 'Just one' gift early.
To wonder how you're possibly the mother of a 10 year old boy!
To Panic at the thought of a bunch of children hopped up on sugar, running around screaming from 2 -4 hours.

It's time!

Karl's birthday is actually before Jon's. This month - in less than a week, there is no month in advance planning or long invite lists, no fear of picking the lego set he already bought himself months ago.. But there is always cake, and there are always children running around screaming.


Nicole said...

I love how he looks like you. I love talking to him on the phone, I hate that I am not there...

Jim said...

When is the party?

Karl said...

Yay Birthday frenzies! Those are the best kind. I hope his party goes well this time! I wish I could be there :/ 10 should be a big birthday, turning double digits for the first time ever!

Jim said...

very true Karl. You don't get to add another digit for another 90yrs.