If you passed these two on the playground, you'd probably never guess them for brothers. This picture makes me really think of how different they are.
There is the obvious. Jon has Brown hair that is wavy when long enough. Big chocolate brown eyes,and those eyelashes, my god! Jack Has strawberry blonde - continuously growing more red hair ( He was born blonde ) and deep dark blue eyes.
Now let's get down to some not so obvious details.
Jon weighed in at 6lbs 12oz the day he was born.
Jack tipped the scales at 8lbs 15oz. - yes practically 9lbs!
Jon remained tiny for...well he's still tiny. He wore 18 month clothes up until three.
Jack is 14 months, and decently fits into most 24month clothes.
Jon is pushing 50-55lbs at 10.
Jack is 22-23lbs .. this month.
Jon is a carnivore. he wants meat, with a side of meat, and forget about having this kid eat vegetables without a fight. (ironic for the smaller one huh?)
Jack hasn't grown fond of meat yet. he devours all vegetables, would live on fruit if you let him, never has sweets or sugary foods.
Jon was is a cuddler. He wanted you to snuggle him all the time, and still has to have someone cuddle him before bed.
Jack had better be asleep before you cuddle him - or else! even when sick he wants to be down, and be free to roam.
Jon to this date (nearly 10) has only ever gotten butterfly stitches. and that was when he was three! - he gets the typical playing sports/outside bumps and bruises though.
Jack has had in his nearly 14 months ..a catscan. a fever induced seizure. a spinal tap. MRSA. 3 surgeries. stitches. a partial cast. a leg brace. a full cast. on top of all those - eczema.
Jon was lactose intolerant til he was two.
Jack is allergic to dairy.
Jon got his first two teeth at 4.5 months and then nothing til nearly 9 months.
Jack had 8 teeth by 9 months old. ( he started at 3.5 )
Jon to this day will talk to random people. you gotta really watch him!
Jack is not a fan of strangers. he even forgets family friends (and makes them work for it) if they dont come by within a month.
For all their differences, and all the challenges that have come with learning what each of them needs, there is one similarity .. I love them both the same.
[Karl has dirty blonde hair, and brown eyes. I naturally have dirty blonde hair as well. My eyes are blue, and green. It depends on the day. Karl has straight hair, I have very curly hair, thanks to my pregnancies. Karl has a lot of redheads that run on his side of our family, that's where the little guy gets it]
I think that you're very lucky to have 2 adorable children. I also think that you're a very good mother, despite your "role model" growing up.... Great Job, Kim!!
Love you guys!
They're definitely two amazing guys. I've enjoyed seeing both of them getting older. Jay's grown so much in the last few years and its amazing to see what jack has been picking up even in the last few months. I love you all and miss you every day.
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