March 31, 2010

Old friends

Dear Born Free,
You have been a good friend. much better than the friend before you.
We could always count on you, to be there with what we needed. To comfort, and nourish us in time of need.

Jack will surely miss your company and all the fun you've shared together.
Like the times the two of you would play hide and seek. You were such a good hider! Remember that time you hid in the seat of his Rocketship ride on toy? We searched and searched but couldnt find you. Good times.

Now, Please don't take this personally, it's not you. The truth is that you and Jack have grown apart and it's best if you go your separate ways. You will find better things, just think of it in a bottle half full kind of way.

Best wishes
Jack, and his mom.


Karl said...

Thats a great picture! there's a light in his smile and all around him. That's a rad setup doll.

Nicole said...

God, Kimi, I love you so much... I actually feel a little sad for the born free thingy.