February 14, 2010

Love. A 9 year old's view.

How do you know Dad and I love each other?
You kiss a lot. You sleep in the same bed. and you actually had the nerve to have TWO babies. You play alot. like sometimes play video games, or you tell jokes a lot.

What are things that I do to make dad happy?
let him rest when he is tired. You make him mac and cheese - the shell kind. ( apparently a very important detail ) You laugh at his texting, You tell him he looks handsome,And you let him make out with you.

What are things that dad does to make me happy?
He writes you nice letters. He watches Us when he gets home from work. He gets flowers sometimes. He tells you you are beautiful.

Why do you think dad married me?
You're special, You're beautiful - You make really good blueberry muffins. You have nice hair.

Why do you think I married dad?
He's kind. He spends time with us. He's also tall, and draws really good. and he likes kids .

Why should we be together forever? '
cuz you only argue sometimes. not everyday. and you don't yell. um. you're a nice couple.

What Should I tell dad on Valentines day?
That you'll never break up and that you wish to be together forever.

What do you think dad will tell me on Valentines day?
that he loves you, and will always protect you. - Mom. I'm not good with questions!

Valentines day Is my favorite holiday. A holiday that I've actually spent more time alone on than not. K is usually away because of work on that day. The first valentines day we ever had together as a couple K was serving in Iraq, a deployment that lasted through our second valentines day together. This has been the trend since we've been together. With no exception this year. Oddly enough I don't love the day any less, even though it's hardly celebrated with the one I love. Yes he may be away, and Yes it does make me sad to see other couples out celebrating on that day. Today, though My Valentine and I are miles apart We are connected through our love, which I am reminded of as I spend this day Celebrating with our two children who are here because of the love we share. I love You K and not just because you're tall, or get me flowers - sometimes.

A sometimes flower.

1 comment:

K said...

I love to see you first thing in the morning. I love how we make sure to say goodnight to each other every day before one of us goes to sleep. I love how you include me in everything you're doing with M and J and through out the day. I love how you couldn't wait to send me something the minute I had an address. I love how much you love Valentines day and how you spread that love to every one in your life. I love you doll, now and forever. Not a second less.

*Tell J he did a great job answering the questions*