I love summer. I love being able to not worry if we're late for bedtimes because we've spent our nights after dinner eating watermelon and playing in the backyard. In fact that's what we've done the past few nights and Jack may look like he loves that watermelon, but I may have loved it even more. It meant a break from the boxes. I swear I cannot look at another box or I'll scream.
How's the moving & unpacking going you ask? Well you know those days you have when nothing seems to be going right? That's how it's been - like one bad morning. It's not all the unpacking (though that is wearing me thin) It's also the house itself, it's an old house, that's part of it's charm but if one more thing pops up that unexpectedy needs immediate fixing I will surely have a nervous breakdown. so let's not talk about that.. instead I'll tell you..
About the perfect hour every morning we have out in the backyard. When it's still cool enough to not melt. It's sunny and warm with the slightest breeze and everyone is happy and smiling (because they've just slept 8+ hours) We are spending a lot of time outside because we are nature people - but also because mama gets to pretend there is no unpacking to be done, and it's a nice little distraction.
Jack's gotten a little rash over his torso the last 24 hours. I'm really hoping it's not from something unknown in our backyard. It's pretty woody & has lots of plant life. I've been worried about poison ivy since we got here.
haha? Jack has become very demanding with my picture taking. He tells me exactly what subject he wants me to photograph. in this case it was "teeth" - hair, chin and whatever he is eating are also heavy in the rotation. (Slighty creepy - I know)
anyway - Off I reluctantly go, back to the boxes. (help!?)
1 comment:
100% summer: no shirt and camo shorts with watermelon
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