March 05, 2011


Went something like this ..

•Waking up -
•outside directly after breakfast
•Packed lunch to go.
•Off to do some exploring
•Four hours in the woods
•Home to nap
•Wake up -
•Back outside, dinner on the grill
•Movie time with the biggest boys.
the weather was nearly perfect, if only it weren’t so overcast






The one shot of Jon. I swear I like him, really! He just doesn't like/care for my camera being in his face too much. He's also not two, so unless forced he's not right by my side - which obviously is the unsafe zone for anyone not wanting a camera on them.

This guy needed a little pick me up (pun intended!) He was tired, and needed a snack and for some reason eating that banana was the funniest thing ever.

To further prove my point on Jon's need for independence.. That tiny figure ahead of these two..That's him, and I was a good distance behind them. Maybe he's at the age where parents are "soo not cool" - soon he'll deny us around his cool friends.

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